Monday, September 26, 2005

Are You Obnoxious?

The courteous co-worker will not find himself described in the following statements. How many of them apply to you?

  1. You make provocative statements to "foster dialogue" or needle others.
  2. You often find yourself delivering a discourse consisting solely of buzzwords and catchphrases.
  3. You make up nicknames for all your co-workers and refer to them only by these names. (e.g. "Good job, Chachi!"; "I'm going to have to disagree with you there, T-bone!")
  4. Your office is completely decorated with your children's pictures and artwork.
  5. You have plastered your cubicle with photos of yourself taken with famous people.
  6. It is your trademark to recite rhyming or other cutesy messages as your voice mail greeting.
  7. The questions you ask at meetings are preceded by long monologues of your views and accomplishments.
  8. You routinely eat odoriferous lunches at your desk.
  9. You bring in dishes that you tried to cook -- but didn't turn out quite right -- as "special treats" for your co-workers.
  10. People seem tense -- even panic-stricken -- when they see you coming their way.
  11. Others back away from you as you speak.
  12. You send flurries of e-mails to the rest of the company telling them what you are doing. (e.g., "If anyone needs me, I'll be in the bathroom.")
  13. You vigorously chew or pop your gum.
  14. You wear strong perfume or cologne.
  15. You assume your co-workers are fascinated by your personal problems and exploits.
  16. You interrupt others while they are speaking or are deep in conversation.
  17. You are moody and don't care who knows it.
  18. You often give others assignments as they're walking out the door for lunch or to catch the train home.
  19. You borrow staplers, scissors and tape from others' desks and forget to return them.
  20. Your dialogue with others often end with the other person shouting, "You are so annoying!"


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