Tuesday, August 01, 2006

It's On the Church

American Express cardFORT LAUDERDALE, Florida -- Michael J. Fay, the former pastor of St. John Roman Catholic Church in Darien, Connecticut, is under investigation for using church money to fund a lavish lifestyle for himself and his boyfriend.

Fay is accused of misspending $200,000 in parish funds, using the parish American Express card to charge personal items.

According to Broward County, Florida property records, Fay owns a condo with a Clifford Fantini at the Vue, an oceanfront complex with units selling for between $400,000 and $1,000,000. Records show Fay and Fantini paid $449,100 for theirs.

from an article by Phil LaPadula appearing in The Washington Blade, July 28, 2006

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